, Dont use the aria-hidden attribute though. Id like to add a remark. Services Section Design HTML CSS Watch on In the HTML markup, I have taken the div element and named it wrapper. The

is at the top and it all flows down perfectly with the

elements representing major page sections and the

elements representing sub sections. <section> is a new HTML 5 element that defines an important section of a document. The poor multi-lingual support provided by aria-label scared me; and aria-labelledby was far too cumbersome to be my primary labeling method. They all have quirks, driven by the paired browser. If you think its necessary, you can. , . The algorithm basically calculates the heading level based on the number of ancestor sectioning elements a heading has plus the headings base heading level value. how a theoretical future browser that supports the outline algorithm would present the site structure). It is a must for every website that collects data. If a part of the content deserves its own heading, and that heading would be listed in a theoretical or actual table of contents, it should be placed in a <section>. We will start with a simple HTML page, and then add more and more components, While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our. That would be true if I only used opacity: 0. Slideshow 1 / 4 Caption Text Learn How To Login Form Login Learn How To Accordion Section 1 Example: In this example, we are dividing our web page into different sections using div, The first section has class "nav". It explains how information is collected, how will it be used, is the data shared with 3rd parties, and how can a visitor access her personal information. It really doesnt feel right having two

headings above the

heading. Browser Support The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the element. DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. This type of structure comes with multiple benefits: There is one more sticking point when it comes to labeling sectioning elements that I havent addressed yet. Well, NVDA couldnt find the label text when I tested it.